The Kofford Family relocates to Colorado after 40 years as Californians. In December of 2007, Grandma Lorraine is diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer. Sadly, she passed away on Dec. 26th, 2008 after a year long courageous battle. Follow our journey as we keep Lorraine's memory alive, and as we learn to appreciate that each day we are given, is a gift to be enjoyed!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
~Maria Robertson

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"The Apple Tree Scholarship Fund"

As you can see from the recent photos on the blog, my mom loved everything Hawaiian as it reminded her of her childhood, and a culture she appreciated and adored. In addition to loving all things Hawaiian, her very first passion since she was a little girl has been teaching!

She taught for over 30 years, and impacted so many students' lives during that time. My mom was always excited to share what she had with fellow teachers, and she loved creating educational games, activities, and programs that encouraged children to develop a love for learning. She was involved in several organizations that supported education, and it was her passion for children and her joy for teaching, that led to an idea that would support her mission for many years to come. My dad was a teacher, a principal, a coach, a school board member, and more. He too so deeply appreciated education that I wanted to start a scholarship fund in both of their names.

Today I opened an account at Wells Fargo Bank called:

"The Apple Tree Scholarship Fund in memory of Harry and Lorraine Johnson."

I look forward to developing this scholarship and it's mission in the coming weeks and months. Tom and I would like to award several scholarships yearly that would support students pursuing a degree in education, as well as to support existing teachers in underprivileged areas. I know this cause would have meant much to my parents, and I hope it will be a way to give back to the community my parents loved, and to support education in a tangible way that will honor each of their memories.

Contributions can be brought to any Wells Fargo Bank, or checks can be made out to "The Apple Tree Scholarship Fund". I will deposit all funds and see to it that you are kept up to date on how the scholarships are distributed.

Thank you for remembering my mom in your prayers, your comments, e-mails, and phone calls. Our family has felt loved and supported during this difficult time, and I have felt such hope and gratitude today. Thank you!


Kim said...

Denise, that was such a beautiful letter. I think it is remarkable that you and Tom are setting up this scholarship fund!!! Your parents would be SO proud! It almost brought tears to my eyes to read what you wrote today. I will be contributing...
And what a beautiful picture that you put on today. Your mom would have loved it!!
kim l.

Kim said...

I agree. Your parents would have so embraced the legacy that you are beginning in their honor and memory. Love the new blog-look as well. Just perfect.

Did the day change for the services from Fri the 9th to Mon. the 12th?

Happy New Year Koffords!

Sue said...


What a wonderful way to honor your parents, and to help others in the process. They would be very proud. You are an amazing woman.


LenaLoo said...

My mom knows of Georgia through Liz, but does not know Georgia personally... I am so excited for your scholarship fund! It is such a noble cause to put in your mothers name! I would love to contribute when we get some money saved up :)

glitzen said...

I know how you love apples, and apples and teaching go so well together. What a perfectly wonderful way to honor your parents, and help our youth at the same time. Its awesome!

Prayers and (((((hugs)))))to you and your family.