Our natural underground pond is growing...the sump pump empties into the pond as well, so as the water table rises, so does the pond water. The big filters and pumps that were added will slowly clear the water, which will make fishing so much more successful! :-)
As the months and years go on, we'll plant a big Cottonwood tree with a rope swing, a litle boat and fish will be added, lighting, more plants, trees down the driveway, etc...but all in due time...if only money grew on trees! :-)
Our friend Warren drove for almost 4 days from CA and safely arrived yesterday! He and Tom are out sightseeing in Boulder otherwise I would show a photo of the two buddies...now that the U-Haul has arrived, so does the unpacking! See this pile? It is full of memories from the past, and I need to find a new home for each item. Our house is already full, so this will prove to be a challenge!
What did I save? Well, lots of funny things that don't go together, except that just like a puzzle, they form a total picture of my past that I don't want to forget. Amidst those boxes are an accordian, a clarinet, oodles of photo albums, magic tricks, and stamp collections...there is a set of china, silver, an old roll top desk, and a neat shelving unit from 1951. There are awards, certificates, and old letters from my parents former students, fellow teachers, and administrators. There are practical things like unopened boxes of soap, Saran Wrap,and aluminum foil...there are brand new sets of paper and pens, and then there is a Lionel Train Set and an old Erector set from my dad's childhood. There is a rocking chair that my Portueguese grandmother rocked on, and then so did my mother, and me, and now our kids.
I also brought home the sundial I gave my dad for Father's Day, and a nice cement bench for the pond that my parents enjoyed on their property. Does it all sound like just a pile of junk? Perhaps it is, but then again, that pile of junk, is all I have left of my childhood memories, so each item is priceless only to me.
It makes you think about your own possessions...what things do you want your children to save, what things should they know were important to you? Although it is all just "things", what things are the best reminders of you?
My parents (my mom) isn't much of a saver... I am little more so...but my focus is the pictures...I would like to be more fruitful in scrapbooking...maybe someday... Loving your pond!
That collection of things is so far from being junk!! They are treasures.
I'm with Lucy. You will treasure each and every thing. I love the things you decided on too!
Have a wonderful day my friend!
I was thinking just today, how many pictures have been taken on our wooden lawn swing outside. I looked outside and the girls were sitting there, eating there lunch. We often start our day sitting on it while eating cereal and drinking coffee.
Your bench and sundial will be precious out in your yard too! I don't think anything you brought back is junk, but then my sentimental heart can make treasure from a paper clip..its just the way God fashioned it. :)
I'm glad you are home, now you can carefully and thoughtfully put each thing into a place of honor, (or practicality, as the Seran Wrap will go!) and the hardest decisions are behind you. Your pond is lovely, and it can be a memorial place, you can put special trees, plaques, your mom's favorite flowers, etc. Then you can sit out there and grieve, cry, or smile and laugh at the memories. I know you will use your special way of making each thing count forever.
((((hugs))))) dear one.
What a difficult task Denise. I know that the things you chose will be treasured forever! I love the new pond! You will have many new memories of time spent out by it to treasure for years to come!
love, Charlene
I am so sentimental that I would have needed 5 trucks and most of the stuff would stay in the boxes because I would be overwhelmed! I think you were very wise in what you chose to keep and your memories will be preserved in the stories that you tell your kids about each precious thing! I inherited a metal swing that my Grandad built for my Grandma...I can still hear the baseball games on the radio when I sit on it!
It was so nice to spend some time with you! I LOVE your pond!!!
Glad you are home safely. The pond looks like it is going to be great. You'll have to have us over for drinks so we can fully appreciate it. Don't you like how I invite myself? Glad that Emma and Ashlyn will do their duet - it will be so cute. And also glad all of your sweet memories arrived from CA safely. Hope to see you soon.
After going through it the first time and seeing what's there, could you put some of it in a small storage rental spot? Just to keep yourself from feeling the pressure of needing to find a place for each item or having to donate/give/sell...it can be so tiring!
That is a great pond! And I don't think that sounds like a pile of junk... Right now I am trying to decide what I need to save and what needs to go in my boxs o stuff that are sitting on our porch... it is stuff I brought with me from LA but have never had a need for up here... Old color guard uniforms, Drama T-Shirts... Teddy bears from my childhood... But I can't seem to part with it... I just have to find a place to store it since we are tight on space with the new addition arriving in November :)
It doesn't sound like junk at all! Thank you for the pictures- even the boxes are fun.
I wish my dad had saved his roller skates from when his parents owned and operated the local skating rink. My dad and his brothers grew up giving lessons, and my mom remembers this! (My parents went to the same high school.) And, my dad and his brothers had their own band! My dad played the electric guitar...wish he'd saved that, too! (I'm far more sentimental thatn my father.)
I envy how much your dad saved! How lovely that you now have everything...I'm almost most looking forward to seeing that room when I come out and visit you sometime!
Kim L. :-)
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