We were able to visit a replica of the Mayflower when we were in Massachusetts this fall. It was wonderful to see the location of our country's first "Thanksgiving" and appreciate all that the pilgrims endured. This particular ship actually took the same voyage that the Mayflower travelled. Character actors were on board to tell us of the many hardships endured during the 2 month journey. There was no fresh water on board so everyone, including children, drank beer due to the nutritional properties of the barley. Hearing of their adventures made us appreciate our 21st century lifestyles!
This is "Plymouth Rock", a small rock showing the location of where the Mayflower landed in 1620. What a neat experience to walk where the first pilgrims did close to 400 years ago.
Centuries later we too celebrate the meeting of pilgrims and indians and the foundations our country is built on. Here Ashlyn awaits the turkey that took an hour longer than expected to cook!
Tom carves the bird, and our tiny 13 lb. turkey gave us plenty of leftovers for a week! It was just the four of us this year, so it has been a quiet and relaxing day. I jogged around the lake this morning and the rest of the day was all about cooking, eating, celebrating, and cleaning up. Now we wait until we're hungry, or can make room for, pumpkin pie and pumpkin ice cream!
We hope you have had a wonderful day, and that there is much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving!
With love from Colorado, Denise :-)